Zomercursus Lace 8 - 1ste jaar

Summer course Lace8 – 1st year

€ 270

Tutor: Roos Lecluyse

Tutor: Roos Lecluyse
Dates:  22/07 – 25/07/2025 (!!! Not on 21/07)
Times: 9:00-12:30 hrs & 13:30-17:00 hrs (= 28hrs)
PLEASE NOTE: The magazine contains an incorrect price

More information:

During this week we will set off to discover the Lace8 program. We are going to start off with a simple length of Torchon lace. Thanks to various buttons, hints and tips we will discover how to charm a pricking out of the printer.

Then we start on the working diagram of the little Torchon design.
Using our own design draft, we will create other forms on paper:  first the pricking and then the working diagram for one chosen form. (circular edging, square edging, full square, etc.)
During our journey of discovery there will be time to deal with the obstacles we will encounter. 

Will you come on a voyage of discovery with us?

22/07 – 25/07/2025 (!!! Niet op 21/07)

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