Polychrome Workshop 1st, 2nd, 3rd year

€ 105

Tutor: Annie Vancraeynest

Tutor: Annie Vancraeynest
Dates: 14/02/2025 & 28/02/2025
Times: 9:00-12:00 hrs & 13:00-16:00 hrs

More information:

1st year:  Work a leaf in Polychrome technique with working diagram.
Work a leaf in Polychrome technique using a working diagram.
Discuss: setting up a small leaf, tulle ground, rose ground, different ways of setting up the coloured worker, use of gimp, ending leaf.
Discuss around three other patterns.
A basis can also be laid for designing yourself.

2nd year:  Rectangular Art Nouveau design
Only for those who have already taken the first workshop or taken Polychrome in another place.
Work a modern pattern with different grounds to the first workshop.
You could bring in a pattern from a book and talk about its problems.
Participant(s) who want to draw their own design will have made the choice to work less with their bobbins. Make a design with simple grounds.

3rd year: Contemporary pattern with different grounds to the 2nd workshop.
Only for those who have already taken the first two workshops or learned Polychrome in another place.
Working of a contemporary pattern with different grounds to the 2nd workshop
You could bring in a pattern from a book and talk about its problems.
Participant(s) who want to draw their own design will have made the choice to work less with their bobbins. Make a design with grounds from the 1st and 2nd year.

14/02/2025 & 28/02/2025

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